The Infrastructure SA (ISA) project assurance process provides an independent, expert and objective review of the current and potential future performance of government-funded capital infrastructure projects on behalf of the investor (SA Government).
Project assurance activities are outlined in the Assurance Framework and include:
- Gate Reviews – conducted at set milestones in a project’s lifecycle
- Health Checks – held where time between Gateway Reviews is excessive
- Deep Dives – undertaken where a specific problem has arisen.
ISA engages reviewers who are independent external experts with skills, capability and experience across various stages of project lifecycles and infrastructure sectors from the public or private sector. These service providers may operate as sole traders, partnerships or incorporated companies.
Assurance reviews, are undertaken in accordance with the ISA Assurance Framework. The Assurance Review Guide sets out the assurance process in South Australia and the Assurance Reviewer Management Framework outlines the process for reviewers. Interested parties can contact the assurance team directly.