Infrastructure SA (ISA) provides independent expert advice to government, as required, on specific strategic issues as they arise.
Housing Roadmap
Third Party Provision of Water and Wastewater
In June, 2024 the South Australian government released the Housing Roadmap (external site) (PDF), which seeks to remove barriers to housing development in South Australia.
As part of the commitment the Housing Roadmap intends to enable the streamlined and rapid private delivery of water and wastewater infrastructure in support of housing developments where SA Water has no infrastructure, provided the third-party proposals meet necessary regulatory requirements and standards.
Infrastructure SA has been directed by the Premier to oversee this function to assist new retail water entrants navigate the pathway under the Water Industry Act 2012, until such time as other arrangements are in place.
Infrastructure SA will assess private proposals for the delivery of this infrastructure and make a determination on their viability (technical, commercial and master planning impacts) and act as an independent third umpire in the event there is any dispute between the private proponent and a State Agency. This ISA function will incur charges based upon the covering of costs associated with the assessment of any private proposal.
Please contact us on should you wish to submit a proposal for assessment, discuss a proposed scheme and have any inquiries.
Mount Barker Mass Transit
In late 2021, ISA was requested by the State Infrastructure Cabinet Committee (ICC) to provide a holistic, independent view and direction for options to address passenger transport issues impacting the Mount Barker to Adelaide Corridor.
Existing work, including relevant State Government and independent reports, plans and studies were reviewed and considered, and ISA also undertook targeted stakeholder engagement with local members, councils, transport service providers and community proponents to support the study.
The ISA report details our assessment of the transport need, demographic and corridor challenges, and options considered. ISA makes six recommendations to enable Government to meet the needs of a growing population in Mount Barker and the Adelaide Hills more broadly.
Engineering consulting firm WSP was engaged by ISA to provide technical and economic advice into this strategic study.
ISA Mount Barker Mass Transit Study report
WSP Mount Barker Mass Transit Options Assessment Final Report Executive Summary