ISA will adopt an issues lens for better integration and outcomes.

ISA's 20-Year State Infrastructure Strategies will demonstrate an inclusive and far-sighted view of the State and its infrastructure. Each will be a key tool enabling a consistent approach to the development of infrastructure and project evaluation to build a strong pipeline of infrastructure projects. Together these will build our social capital as well as sustainable and contemporary economies to support SA’s needs well into the future.

ISA will consider issues and projects from a range of perspectives.

Infrastructure SA is committed to consulting broadly with all levels of government, infrastructure providers and users, industry, local councils and communities in the preparation of its 20-Year State Infrastructure Strategies. It is important that everyone provides input during our strategy development process.

Guiding Principles

Grow the economy
Infrastructure builds prosperity by raising productivity, improving access to markets and connecting people and business.

Holistic and integrated
A coordinated approach to infrastructure delivers better outcomes.

Be economically efficient
Existing and new investments are optimised to best meet real needs and deliver value for money.

Build Resilience and Adaptability
Resilient infrastructure enables adaptation and proactively responds to the impacts of climate change and unplanned critical events.

Corporate Plan

Download a summary of our Guiding Principles, Strategic Goals, Vision and Purpose here.

Premier’s Statement of Expectations

The Premier of South Australia, The Hon Peter Malinauskas MP, has outlined his expectations for the operations, performance and strategic direction of Infrastructure SA for our Board of Directors in his Statement of Expectations.

Download the  Statement of Expectations.


The Infrastructure SA Act 2018 came into effect on 26 November 2018. The Act establishes Infrastructure SA as an independent advisory authority to develop a long-term State Infrastructure Strategy and ongoing infrastructure plans which prioritise major projects and associated infrastructure spending.

Read the Infrastructure SA Act 2018 here.