Infrastructure SA is committed to being open and accountable, proactively disclosing information that is frequently requested under Freedom of Information, such as chief executive credit card expenditure and travel expenses.

The following expense records are itemised by month and archived at the end of the financial year.

Chief Executive Overseas Travel

MonthTotal CostDocument
April 2024NILChief Executive Overseas Travel April 2024 (1 page) (PDF 103 KB)

Chief Executive Domestic/Regional Travel

MonthTotal costDocument
April 2024$661.42Chief Executive Domestic/Regional Travel April 2024 (1 page) (140 KB)

Chief Executive credit card expenditure

MonthTotal costDocument
April 2024$47.00Chief Executive Credit Card Expenditure April 2024 (1 page)  (23 KB)

Chief Executive Mobile Phone costs

MonthTotal costDocument
April 2024$49.19Chief Executive Mobile Phone Expenditure April 2024 (1 page) (138 KB)

Ancillary Expenditure

MonthTotal CostDocument
April 2024NILISA Ancillary Expenditure April 2024 (1 page) (135 KB)

Gifts and Benefits Register

April 2024Gifts and Benefits Register April 2024(1 page) (23 KB)